I’m All the way up | Easter Sunday (Supreme)

April 9, 2023 Download: Audio


Sermon Points
I’ve upped my thinking. (vv. 1-4)
Don’t just get your mind out of the gutter. Get it on God!
Homework: “Do I utilize my mind to seek the right things? Is it set on things above?”
I’ve upped my treatment. (vv. 5-11)
My temple
My tribe
It’s difficult to treat your tribe well when you don’t even know how to treat your temple well.
Homework: “Am I treating my temple and my tribe in a way that honors my God?”
I’ve upped my threads. (vv. 12-17)
Don’t be more concerned with having a nice look than you are with having a new life.
Homework: “Do I clothe myself from the inside out?”