The Freedom in Christ Course is a Bible-based discipleship course designed to help every Christian break free from what is holding them back and become who they are made to be in Christ.
It is for every Christian—from those who have been Christians for a long time to those who are brand-new followers of Jesus. Unlike many Christian discipleship courses today, the focus of this course is not on how to behave, but on what to believe.
The course is led by a trained FICM staff or volunteer and runs for 12 weeks, including an intro week and a week for participants to work through The Steps to Freedom in Christ, a step-by-step prayer and repentance process.
Some of the areas covered in the course include:
The reality of what it means to be “in Christ”
The spiritual battle as one of truth vs. deception
How to resolve the effects of deep issues from the past
How to deal with repeating patterns of sin
Dealing with your emotions
Understanding what God’s purpose is for your life
The Grace Course is a Bible-based discipleship course designed to help you understand God’s grace and be motivated by God’s love alone, so that you can go on to bear much fruit. It provides powerful, practical ways to submit to God, identify faulty thinking, and renew the mind. Prepare yourself for a life-transforming journey into the heart of the God of grace through this course. We believe you won’t be the same!
The course is led by a trained FICM staff or volunteer and runs for 12 weeks, including an intro week and a week for participants to work through The Steps to Experiencing God’s Grace, a step-by-step prayer and repentance process to help you address anything keeping you from experiencing God’s grace.
Some of the areas covered in the course include:
- Grasp hold of your forgiveness in Christ and stop guilt trips!
- Leave behind a shame-based identity
- Find freedom from fearful living into a new walk of faith and courage
- Discover the keys to get rid of pride
- Enter into the “grace-rest” life of abiding in Christ
Prepare yourself for a life-touching, life-transforming journey to the heart of the God of grace through The Grace Course. We believe you will never be the same!